
LAWCOPY, Inc. can hold all your documents at one location. There is no need to copy documents from your files everytime an outside counsel calls for a set. Deposit them with us and we will facilate the request. If multiple parties desire copies from your deposited orginals, they can request their copies or images right from us. We will copy or burn an image of their documents on to paper or CD-Rom and bill them directly. Delivery can be easily arranged.

We will keep your documents or a set of your originals on file and add to them as you accumulate additions. We can also handle multiple parties depositing documents and handle distribution to all concerned. Hard copy and Digital imaged repositories are available.

LAWCOPY, Inc. also has a glass enclosed viewing room for opposing counsel to view your documents so they may choose what they want copies of. Our staff is available to see this process.

For further information, visit our Contact Page or you can email us at
